January 7, 2013

Company announcements: YTL, KYM

YTL - Additional Listing Announcement (Amended Announcement)

Announcement Type: Additional Listing Announcement (ALA)
Stock Name YTL  
Date Announced7 Jan 2013  
CategoryAdditional Listing Announcement (ALA)
Reference NoYC-130107-A966E

1. Details of Corporate Proposal

Whether the corporate proposal involves the issuance of new type
and new class of securities?
Types of corporate proposalOthers
Details of corporate proposalExchanging of 5 years Guaranteed Exchangeable Bonds 2010/2015 ("Bonds 2015") into ordinary shares of RM0.10 each
No. of shares issued under this corporate proposal2,385,916
Issue price per share ($$)MYR 1.670
Par Value ($$)MYR 0.100
Latest issued and paid up share capital after the above corporate proposal in the following
CurrencyMYR 1,071,109,578.700
Listing Date08/01/2013

Remarks :
The new ordinary shares were alloted in exchange of USD1,200,000 Bonds 2015 exercised by bondholders.
The Lisitng date should be 8 January 2013 instead of 8 December 2012 as annouced earlier

KYM - Additional Listing Announcement

Announcement Type: Additional Listing Announcement (ALA)
Stock Name KYM  
Date Announced7 Jan 2013  
CategoryAdditional Listing Announcement (ALA)
Reference NoKH-130104-59492

1. Details of Corporate Proposal

Whether the corporate proposal involves the issuance of new type
and new class of securities?
Types of corporate proposalOthers
Details of corporate proposalConversion of warrants to ordinary shares
No. of shares issued under this corporate proposal21,000
Issue price per share ($$)MYR 0.500
Par Value ($$)MYR 0.500
Latest issued and paid up share capital after the above corporate proposal in the following
CurrencyMYR 66,658,947.500
Listing Date08/01/2013

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