MISC - Changes in Sub. S-hldr's Int. (29B) - EMPLOYEES PROVIDENT FUND BOARD
Company Name | MISC BERHAD |
Stock Name | MISC |
Date Announced | 17 Nov 2014 |
Category | Changes in Substantial Shareholder's Interest Pursuant to Form 29B of the Companies Act. 1965 |
Reference No | MM-141117-9DC49 |
Particulars of substantial Securities Holder
Address | Tingkat 19, Bangunan KWSP Jalan Raja Laut 50350 Kuala Lumpur |
NRIC/Passport No/Company No. | EPF ACT 1991 |
Nationality/Country of incorporation | Malaysia |
Descriptions (Class & nominal value) | Ordinary Shares of RM1.00 each |
Name & address of registered holder | CITIGROUP NOMINEES (TEMPATAN) SDN BHD Level 42, Menara Citibank 165 Jalan Ampang 50450 Kuala Lumpur |
Details of changes
Currency: Malaysian Ringgit (MYR)
Type of transaction | Date of change | No of securities | Price Transacted (RM) |
Acquired | 11/11/2014 | 907,400 |
Remarks : |
The notice was received on 17 November 2014. The total no. of direct interest of 328,630,311 shares consists of:- (a) Citigroup Nominees (Tempatan) Sdn Bhd Employees Provident Fund Board - 298,310,811 shares; (b) Employees Provident Fund Board - 1,500,000 shares; (c) Citigroup Nominees (Tempatan) Sdn Bhd Employees Provident FD BD (Affin-HWG) - 1,500,040 shares; (d) Citigroup Nominees (Tempatan) Sdn Bhd Employees Provident FD BD (AM INV) - 1,708,960 shares; (e) Citigroup Nominees (Tempatan) Sdn Bhd Employees Provident FD BD (Nomura) - 9,571,800 shares; (f) Citigroup Nominees (Tempatan) Sdn Bhd Employees Provident FD BD (CIMB PRI) (Acquired 907,400 shares) - 13,339,700 shares; (g) Citigroup Nominees (Tempatan) Sdn Bhd Employees Provident FD BD (F Templeton) - 2,699,000 shares |
MISC - Changes in Sub. S-hldr's Int. (29B) - EMPLOYEES PROVIDENT FUND BOARD
Company Name | MISC BERHAD |
Stock Name | MISC |
Date Announced | 17 Nov 2014 |
Category | Changes in Substantial Shareholder's Interest Pursuant to Form 29B of the Companies Act. 1965 |
Reference No | MM-141117-933D7 |
Particulars of substantial Securities Holder
Address | Tingkat 19, Bangunan KWSP Jalan Raja Laut 50350 Kuala Lumpur |
NRIC/Passport No/Company No. | EPF ACT 1991 |
Nationality/Country of incorporation | Malaysia |
Descriptions (Class & nominal value) | Ordinary Shares of RM1.00 each |
Name & address of registered holder | CITIGROUP NOMINEES (TEMPATAN) SDN BHD Level 42, Menara Citibank 165 Jalan Ampang 50450 Kuala Lumpur |
Details of changes
Currency: Malaysian Ringgit (MYR)
Type of transaction | Date of change | No of securities | Price Transacted (RM) |
Disposed | 10/11/2014 | 1,000,000 | |
Acquired | 10/11/2014 | 500,000 | |
Acquired | 10/11/2014 | 1,089,800 |
Remarks : |
The notice was received on 17 November 2014. The total no. of direct interest of 327,722,911 shares consists of:- (a) Citigroup Nominees (Tempatan) Sdn Bhd Employees Provident Fund Board (Disposed 1,000,000 shares) - 298,310,811 shares; (b) Employees Provident Fund Board - 1,500,000 shares; (c) Citigroup Nominees (Tempatan) Sdn Bhd Employees Provident FD BD (Affin-HWG) (Acquired 500,000 shares) - 1,500,040 shares; (d) Citigroup Nominees (Tempatan) Sdn Bhd Employees Provident FD BD (AM INV) - 1,708,960 shares; (e) Citigroup Nominees (Tempatan) Sdn Bhd Employees Provident FD BD (Nomura) - 9,571,800 shares; (f) Citigroup Nominees (Tempatan) Sdn Bhd Employees Provident FD BD (CIMB PRI) (Acquired 1,089,800 shares) - 12,432,300 shares; (g) Citigroup Nominees (Tempatan) Sdn Bhd Employees Provident FD BD (F Templeton) - 2,699,000 shares |
POS - Changes in Sub. S-hldr's Int. (29B) - Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group, Inc ("MUFG")
Stock Name | POS |
Date Announced | 17 Nov 2014 |
Category | Changes in Substantial Shareholder's Interest Pursuant to Form 29B of the Companies Act. 1965 |
Reference No | PM-141117-305B7 |
Particulars of substantial Securities Holder
Name | Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group, Inc ("MUFG") |
Address | 7-1, Marunouchi 2-Chome Chiyoda-ku Tokyo, 100-8330, Japan |
NRIC/Passport No/Company No. | Nil |
Nationality/Country of incorporation | Japan |
Descriptions (Class & nominal value) | Ordinary shares of RM0.50 each |
Name & address of registered holder | 1. Aberdeen Asset Management PLC ("Aberdeen") and its subsidiaries 10, Queen's Terrace Aberdeen, AB10 1YG, Scotland. 2. KOKUSAI Asset Management Co., Ltd ("KOKUSAI") 1-1, Marunouchi 3-Chome, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, 100-0005, Japan. 3. Morgan Stanley & Co. International plc 25 Cabot Square, Canary Wharf, London E14 4QA, United Kingdom. |
Details of changes
Currency: Malaysian Ringgit (MYR)
Type of transaction | Date of change | No of securities | Price Transacted (RM) |
Disposed | 11/11/2014 | 2,100 |
Remarks : |
The total number of 55,446,524 shares are held as follows: 1) 55,282,500 shares are registered in the name of Aberdeen Asset Management PLC and its subsidiaries. 2) 97,000 shares are registered in the name of KOKUSAI Asset Management Co., Ltd 3) 67,024 shares are registered in the name of Morgan Stanley & Co. International plc. The Form 29B dated 14 November 2014 was received by the Company on 17 November 2014. |
HUNZPTY - Notice of Shares Buy Back by a Company pursuant to Form 28A
Stock Name | HUNZPTY |
Date Announced | 17 Nov 2014 |
Category | Notice of Shares Buy Back by a Company Pursuant to Form 28A |
Reference No | CP-141114-6A5B1 |
ENGTEX - Notice of Resale/Cancellation of Treasury Shares - Immediate Announcement
Stock Name | ENGTEX |
Date Announced | 17 Nov 2014 |
Category | Notice of Resale/Cancellation of Treasury Shares - Immediate Announcement |
Reference No | CC-141117-4A66C |
Stock Name | HYTEXIN |
Date Announced | 17 Nov 2014 |
Category | General Announcement |
Reference No | CS-141117-64163 |
Type | Announcement |
Further to the Company’s announcements made on 28 December 2012, 20 March 2014, 1 April 2014, 7 May 2014, 14 August 2014 and 29 October 2014, the Board of Directors of HIB wishes to announce that both the solicitors and counsel of HIB (“Claimant”) in relation to the Fire Material Damage Arbitration (“Arbitration”) ie. Messrs. Othman Hashim & Co. and Messrs. GK Ganesan had applied to the Tribunal to discharge themselves as solicitors and counsel respectively. In connection thereto, the Company was not represented neither by their solicitors nor counsel during the hearing held on 11 November 2014. Pursuant to the hearing of the Arbitration held on 11 November 2014, the Tribunal had awarded the cost order to the Respondent. The Tribunal further directed the solicitors of the Respondent to provide the indication of cost in respect to the Respondent’s claim for cost of the Arbitration for their deliberation. The solicitors of Respondent had via their letter dated 13 November 2014 submitted the costs of the Arbitration to the Tribunal. In respect thereto, the Tribunal had requested the Claimant to submit its respond to the submissions of the Respondent on the claim for costs by 17 November 2014. The Company will deliberate on the next course of actions in regard to the above matters. Further developments on the above matter will be announced to Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad as and when necessary. This announcement is dated 17 November 2014.
SAB - Changes in Sub. S-hldr's Int. (29B) - Lembaga Tabung Haji
Stock Name | SAB |
Date Announced | 17 Nov 2014 |
Category | Changes in Substantial Shareholder's Interest Pursuant to Form 29B of the Companies Act. 1965 |
Reference No | CT-141117-35561 |
Particulars of substantial Securities Holder
Name | Lembaga Tabung Haji |
Address | 201 Jalan Tun Razak Peti Surat No 11025 50732 Kuala Lumpur |
NRIC/Passport No/Company No. | ACT5351995 |
Nationality/Country of incorporation | Malaysia |
Descriptions (Class & nominal value) | Ordinary Shares of RM1/- each |
Name & address of registered holder | Lembaga Tabung Haji 201 Jalan Tun Razak Peti Surat No 11025 50732 Kuala Lumpur |
Details of changes
Currency: Malaysian Ringgit (MYR)
Type of transaction | Date of change | No of securities | Price Transacted (RM) |
Disposed | 07/11/2014 | 2,200,000 | 4.498 |
Acquired | 13/11/2014 | 2,200,000 | 4.509 |
WASEONG - Notice of Shares Buy Back - Immediate Announcement
Stock Name | WASEONG |
Date Announced | 17 Nov 2014 |
Category | Notice of Shares Buy Back - Immediate Announcement |
Reference No | WS-141117-37E7F |
CMMT - Changes in Sub. S-hldr's Int. (29B) - Employees Provident Fund Board
Stock Name | CMMT |
Date Announced | 17 Nov 2014 |
Category | Changes in Substantial Shareholder's Interest Pursuant to Form 29B of the Companies Act. 1965 |
Reference No | CG-141117-5A0B0 |
Particulars of substantial Securities Holder
Name | Employees Provident Fund Board |
Address | Tingkat 19, Bangunan KWSP, Jalan Raja Laut, 50350 Kuala Lumpur |
NRIC/Passport No/Company No. | EPF ACT 1991 |
Nationality/Country of incorporation | Malaysia |
Descriptions (Class & nominal value) | Units in CapitaMalls Malaysia Trust |
Name & address of registered holder | Citigroup Nominees (Tempatan) Sdn. Bhd. Employees Provident Fund Board Employees Provident FD BD (AFFIN-HWG) Level 42, Menara Citibank 165 Jalan Ampang 50450 Kuala Lumpur |
Details of changes
Currency: Malaysian Ringgit (MYR)
Type of transaction | Date of change | No of securities | Price Transacted (RM) |
Acquired | 12/11/2014 | 1,000,000 | |
Acquired | 12/11/2014 | 325,000 |
Remarks : |
CapitaMalls Malaysia REIT Management Sdn. Bhd., manager of CapitaMalls Malaysia Trust has received the Form 29B from Employees Provident Fund Board on 17 November 2014. |
SIGGAS - Rights Issue
Company Name | SIG GASES BERHAD |
Stock Name | SIGGAS |
Date Announced | 17 Nov 2014 |
Category | Entitlements (Notice of Book Closure) |
Reference No | MI-141117-36615 |
Remarks : |
The Abridged Prospectus together with the Notice of Provisional Allotment of Rights Shares and Rights Subscription Form (collectively, the “Documents”), will only be dispatched to the shareholders of SIG who have a registered address in Malaysia in the Record of Depositors of the Company at 5.00 p.m. on 2 December 2014 (the "Entitlement Date") or who have provided our Share Registrar, Tricor Investor Services Sdn Bhd, with a registered address in Malaysia in writing prior to the Entitlement Date. The Documents are not intended to be (and will not be) issued, circulated or distributed and the Two-Call Rights Issue is not intended to be (and will not be) made or offered for purchase or subscription, in any country or jurisdiction other than Malaysia or to persons who are or may be subject to the laws of any country or jurisdiction other than Malaysia, nor under or in accordance with any laws other than that of, nor lodged, registered or approved by any regulatory authority or relevant body other than those in Malaysia. No action has been or will be taken to ensure that the Two-Call Rights Issue and the Documents comply with the laws of any country or jurisdiction other than the laws of Malaysia. It shall be the sole responsibilities of Entitled Shareholders and/or their renouncee(s) (if applicable) who are or may be subject to the laws of country or jurisdiction other than Malaysia to consult their legal and/or other professional advisers and to satisfy themselves as to whether the acceptance or renunciation (as the case may be) of all or part of their entitlements to the Two-Call Rights Issue would result in the contravention of the laws of such country or jurisdiction. This announcement is dated 17 November 2014. |
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