September 11, 2012

Company announcements: SMRTECH, UMCCA, AXREIT, IHH

SMRTECH - Additional Listing Announcement

Announcement Type: Additional Listing Announcement (ALA)
Stock Name SMRTECH  
Date Announced11 Sept 2012  
CategoryAdditional Listing Announcement (ALA)
Reference NoCC-120905-27A67

1. Details of Corporate Proposal

Whether the corporate proposal involves the issuance of new type
and new class of securities?
Types of corporate proposalESOS
Details of corporate proposalEmployee Share Option Scheme of up to 20% of the issued and paid-up share capital of SMRTECH at any point in time for the Eligible Employees of the SMRTECH Group in accordance with the provisions of the By-Laws
No. of shares issued under this corporate proposal100,000
Issue price per share ($$)MYR 0.135
Par Value ($$)MYR 0.100
Latest issued and paid up share capital after the above corporate proposal in the following
CurrencyMYR 17,215,766.600
Listing Date12/09/2012

UMCCA - Changes in Sub. S-hldr's Int. (29B) - Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group, Inc("MUFG")

Announcement Type: Changes in Substantial Shareholder's Interest Pursuant to Form 29B of the Companies Act. 1965
Stock Name UMCCA  
Date Announced11 Sept 2012  
CategoryChanges in Substantial Shareholder's Interest Pursuant to Form 29B of the Companies Act. 1965
Reference NoUM-120911-42228

Particulars of substantial Securities Holder

NameMitsubishi UFJ Financial Group, Inc("MUFG")
Address7-1, Marunouchi 2-Chome, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, 100-8330, Japan
NRIC/Passport No/Company No.NIL
Nationality/Country of incorporationJapan
Descriptions (Class & nominal value)Ordinary Shares of RM1.00 each
Name & address of registered holderAberdeen Asset Management PLC ("Aberdeen") and its subsidiaries - 26,106,050 shares
10 Queen's Terrace
Aberdeen, AB10 1YG,

Details of changes

Currency: Malaysian Ringgit (MYR)

Type of transactionDate of change
No of securities
Price Transacted (RM)

Circumstances by reason of which change has occurredAcquisition by Aberdeen.

MUFG is deemed interested in the shares by virtue of MUFG's wholly owned subsidiary, Mitsubishi UFJ Trust & Banking Corp, holding more than 15% in Aberdeen
Nature of interestDeemed interest
Direct (units)
Direct (%)
Indirect/deemed interest (units)25,200 
Indirect/deemed interest (%)0.0123 
Total no of securities after change26,106,050
Date of notice11/09/2012

Remarks :
Received notice on 11 September 2012

AXREIT - Additional Listing Announcement

Announcement Type: Additional Listing Announcement (ALA)
Stock Name AXREIT  
Date Announced11 Sept 2012  
CategoryAdditional Listing Announcement (ALA)
Reference NoCC-120911-2B3FB

1. Details of Corporate Proposal

Whether the corporate proposal involves the issuance of new type
and new class of securities?
Types of corporate proposalOthers
Details of corporate proposalRecurrent and Optional Income Distribution Reinvestment Plan ("IDRP") that allows Unitholders of Axis Real Estate Investment Trust ("Axis-REIT") to reinvest their income distribution in new units in Axis-REIT
No. of shares issued under this corporate proposal2,703,125
Issue price per share ($$)MYR 2.680
Par Value ($$)MYR 0.000
Latest issued and paid up share capital after the above corporate proposal in the following
CurrencyMYR 0.000
Listing Date12/09/2012

Remarks :
(1) After taking into consideration the estimated expenses of approximately RM20,000-00, the unitholders' capital after the IDRP is RM735,441,567-00.

(2) The new units issued pursuant to the IDRP are in conjunction with Axis-REIT's 2012 Second Interim Income Distribution.

IHH - Additional Listing Announcement

Announcement Type: Additional Listing Announcement (ALA)
Stock Name IHH  
Date Announced11 Sept 2012  
CategoryAdditional Listing Announcement (ALA)
Reference NoIH-120907-37605

1. Details of Corporate Proposal

Whether the corporate proposal involves the issuance of new type
and new class of securities?
Types of corporate proposalOthers
Details of corporate proposalIssuance of shares pursuant to Long Term Incentive Plans
No. of shares issued under this corporate proposal34,378
Issue price per share ($$)MYR 1.750
Par Value ($$)MYR 1.000
Latest issued and paid up share capital after the above corporate proposal in the following
CurrencyMYR 8,055,445,168.000
Listing Date12/09/2012

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