June 24, 2014



Announcement Type: General Announcement
Stock Name MINETEC  
Date Announced24 Jun 2014  
CategoryGeneral Announcement
Reference NoCC-140624-35638


The Board of Directors of MRB is pleased to announce that its wholly-owned subsidiary, MHMSB has on 24 June 2014 entered into a Dealership Memorandum of Understanding (“MOU”) with SANY MALAYSIA of which MHMSB was appointed as the Dealer of certain Sany Products in Malaysia (“Dealership”) i.e. Concrete Batching Plant, Concrete Truck Mixer, Road Machineries and Asphalt Batching Plant.


SANY MALAYSIA is a company incorporated under the laws of Malaysia and having its business address at No. 33-7, Level 33, UOA II, Jalan Pinang, 50450 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

SANY MALAYSIA is part of the Sany Group of China with a diverse global business presence but is principally involved in the manufacturing of heavy equipment and machinery.


The MRB Group is principally involved in quarry mining but had since broadened its involvement to, inter alia, complementary and associated industries such as bituminous and premix products and also heavy machineries.


The Dealership is for a duration of 2 years commencing from 1 July 2014 to 30 June 2016 but is subject to further renewal on mutual agreement.


The salient terms of the Dealership include but not limited to:-


a) The Company is:


  1. To market and sell SANY products in Malaysia.


  2. To establish adequate sales, service and support teams for SANY appointed products in Malaysia.


  3. To promote appointed product and establishing SANY products in Malaysia.


  4. To establish and responsible for after Sales Service of related appointed products like Concrete Batching Plant, Concrete Truck Mixer, Road Machineries, Asphalt Batching Plant with total technical supports, technical advice and product support from SANY Group.

b) SANY MALAYSIA, agrees

  1. To provide competitive quote of SANY Dealer Prices to MHMSB in preparation for quotation in Malaysia.


  2. To provide total products support training, technical advice and product support services to MHMSB service repair maintenance, part inventory and field service teams.


  3. To provide and supply sales brochures, sales literatures, technical data, service manual, part book, and other sales material to promote appointed SANY Products in Malaysia


  4. To provide in-depth sales supports and to accompany MHMSB management or sales personnel whenever needed to assist in product technical matters and clarification to potential clients and tenders work.


  5.  To provide regular in-depth competitive market pricing support and assisting total product supports to MHMSB whenever needed and required.


  6.  To provide total products support to MHMSB on regular basis.


The MOU is not expected to have any material effect on the earnings, net assets and gearing of MRB for the financial year ending 31 December 2014.


None of the Directors and/or substantial shareholders or any person connected to the Directors and/or substantial shareholders of MRB has any interest, either direct or indirect in the MOU.


The Board of Directors of MRB is of the opinion that the execution of the MOU is in the best interest of MRB and expect to contribute positively towards the earnings of the MRB Group.


This announcement is dated 24 June 2014.

SCGM - OTHERS Dividend Policy

Announcement Type: General Announcement
Company NameSCGM BHD  
Stock Name SCGM  
Date Announced24 Jun 2014  
CategoryGeneral Announcement
Reference NoCC-140624-43429

DescriptionDividend Policy

In view of the Group's continued profitability and steady cash flow, the Board of Directors of SCGM Bhd is pleased to announce a dividend policy of distributing no less than 40% of the annual net profit of the Company to the shareholders. The dividend will be distributed to the shareholders of SCGM Bhd. twice a year.

The dividend distribution is anticipated to be within the Group's financial capability in view of the positive prospects of the Group and to reward long-term investors in line with the Group's expanding operations.

The dividend policy would take effect from the financial year ending 30 April 2015 onwards.

This announcement is dated 24 June 2014.


Announcement Type: General Announcement
Stock Name VINTAGE  
Date Announced24 Jun 2014  
CategoryGeneral Announcement
Reference NoCC-140624-58618

DescriptionVTI VINTAGE BERHAD (“VVB” or “the Company”)
- Notice Pursuant to Section 218 of the Companies Act, 1965

  1. Date of presentation of the Notice Pursuant to Section 218 of the Companies Act, 1965, including the amount claimed for under the Notice and the interest rate.

    The Board of Directors of VTI Vintage Berhad ("VVB" or "the Company") wishes to announce that Vintage Roofing & Construction Sdn Bhd (“VRC”), a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company, had on 24 June 2014 received the Notice Pursuant to Section 218 of the Companies Act, 1965 (“Notice”) from Messrs. Bodipalar Ponnudurai De Silva dated 23 June 2014, the solicitors for Messrs. Foong & Partners (“Plaintiff”), demanding the total sum of RM8,928.00 to be paid within three (3) weeks  from the date of the Notice, failing which, VRC is deemed to be unable to pay its debts and a winding-up petition may be filed against VRC.

  2. The particulars of the claim under the Notice, including the amount claimed for and the interest rate

    The Plaintiff’s claims for the sum of RM8,928.00, being the outstanding amount for the services rendered to VRC.

  3. Details of the default or circumstances leading to the filing of the Notice against VRC

    The circumstances leading to the filing of the Notice against the Company was due to the fact that VRC has failed and/or default to settle the sum claimed by the Plaintiff.

    However, the Company wishes to inform that the Group had on 22 July 2009 initiated the Proposed Scheme of Arrangement under Section 176 of the Companies Act, 1965 (“Proposed Scheme”) and has included the Plaintiff as one of the Scheme Creditors under the Proposed Scheme of Arrangement under Section 176 of the Companies Act, 1965 (“Proposed Scheme”) which had been approved during the Court Convened Meeting of Scheme Creditors of the Group held on 16 July 2010 and Court Convened Meeting of Ordinary Shareholders of the Group held on 23 May 2014 respectively (collectively as “CCM”).

    Based on the legal advice obtained, the Plaintiff as one of the Scheme Creditors, once the Court sanctions the Scheme of Arrangement under Section 176 of the Companies Act, 1965, the Plaintiff will be bound to accept the Scheme under the approved Proposed Scheme. Therefore, pending the completion of the Proposed Scheme, no payment was made to the Scheme Creditors including the Plaintiff.

    At the same time, the Company wishes to inform that an Order has been granted by the High Court of Malaya at Kuala Lumpur on 11 April 2014 pursuant to Section 176(10) of the Act, to restrain all further proceedings, and any and all actions or proceedings against the Company and its subsidiary companies, for a period of ninety (80) days from 11 April 2014 to 29 June 2014 (“Restraining Order”).

  4. A confirmation as to whether VRC is a major subsidiary

    VRC is a major subsidiary of VVB.

  5. The cost of investment in VRC

    The total cost of investment in VRC is RM1,000,000.00

  6. The financial and operational impact of the Notice on the Group

    Subject to the completion of the Proposed Scheme, there is no financial and operational impact to the Group.

  7. The expected losses, if any, arising from the Notice 

    The Company is not expected to incur any further loss arising from the Notice.

  8. Steps taken and proposed to be taken in respect of the Notice

    VVB has given instruction to its solicitor to reply to the Plaintiff’s solicitors to highlight on the outcome of the CCM.

    Further announcement on the development of the Proposed Scheme will be made to Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad in due course.

    This announcement is dated 24 June 2014.


Announcement Type: General Announcement
Stock Name VINTAGE  
Date Announced24 Jun 2014  
CategoryGeneral Announcement
Reference NoCC-140624-DF67F

DescriptionVTI VINTAGE BERHAD (“VVB” or “the Company”)
- Notice Pursuant to Section 218 of the Companies Act, 1965

1. Date of presentation of the Notice Pursuant to Section 218 of the Companies Act, 1965, including the amount claimed for under the Notice and the interest rate.

The Board of Directors of VTI Vintage Berhad ("VVB" or "the Company") wishes to announce that the Company had on 24 June 2014 received the Notice Pursuant to Section 218 of the Companies Act, 1965 (“Notice”) from Messrs. Bodipalar Ponnudurai De Silva dated 23 June 2014, the solicitors for Messrs. Foong & Partners (“Plaintiff”), demanding the total sum of RM11,350.00 to be paid within three (3) weeks  from the date of the Notice, failing which, the Company is deemed to be unable to pay its debts and a winding-up petition may be filed against the Company.

2. The particulars of the claim under the Notice, including the amount claimed for and the interest rate

The Plaintiff’s claims for the sum of RM11,350.00, being the outstanding amount for the services rendered to the Company.

3. Details of the default or circumstances leading to the filing of the Notice against VVB

The circumstances leading to the filing of the Notice against the Company was due to the fact that the Company has failed and/or default to settle the sum claimed by the Plaintiff.  

However, the Company wishes to inform that the Group had on 22 July 2009 initiated the Proposed Scheme of Arrangement under Section 176 of the Companies Act, 1965 (“Proposed Scheme”) and has included the Plaintiff as one of the Scheme Creditors under the Proposed Scheme of Arrangement under Section 176 of the Companies Act, 1965 (“Proposed Scheme”) which had been approved during the Court Convened Meeting of Scheme Creditors of the Group held on 16 July 2010 and Court Convened Meeting of Ordinary Shareholders of the Group held on 23 May 2014 respectively (collectively as “CCM”).

Based on the legal advice obtained, the Plaintiff as one of the Scheme Creditors, once the Court sanctions the Scheme of Arrangement under Section 176 of the Companies Act, 1965, the Plaintiff will be bound to accept the Scheme under the approved Proposed Scheme. Therefore, pending the completion of the Proposed Scheme, no payment was made to the Scheme Creditors including the Plaintiff.

At the same time, the Company wishes to inform that an Order has been granted by the High Court of Malaya at Kuala Lumpur on 11 April 2014 pursuant to Section 176(10) of the Act, to restrain all further proceedings, and any and all actions or proceedings against the Company and its subsidiary companies, for a period of ninety (80) days from 11 April 2014 to 29 June 2014 (“Restraining Order”).

4. The financial and operational impact of the Notice on the Group

Subject to the completion of the Proposed Scheme, there is no financial and operational impact to the Group.

5. The expected losses, if any, arising from the Notice 

The Company is not expected to incur any further loss arising from the Notice.

6. Steps taken and proposed to be taken in respect of the Notice

VVB has given instruction to its solicitor to reply to the Plaintiff’s solicitors to highlight on the outcome of the CCM.

Further announcement on the development of the Proposed Scheme will be made to Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad in due course.

This announcement is dated 24 June 2014.


POLY - Annual Audited Accounts - 28 February 2014

Announcement Type: PDF Submission
Stock Name POLY  
Date Announced24 Jun 2014  
CategoryPDF Submission
Reference NoCC-140624-63108

SubjectAnnual Audited Accounts - 28 February 2014


Poly AuditedAccountsYE2014.pdf
677 KB


Announcement Type: General Announcement
Stock Name HARVEST  
Date Announced24 Jun 2014  
CategoryGeneral Announcement
Reference NoCC-140624-C5A4B

TypeReply to query
Reply to Bursa Malaysia's Query Letter - Reference IDTE-140623-38877
DescriptionHARVEST COURT INDUSTRIES BERHAD (“HCIB” or “the Company”)
Query Letter Contents We refer to the Company's announcement dated 20 June 2014, in respect of the
aforesaid matter.

In this connection, kindly furnish Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad ("Bursa
Securities") with the following additional information for public release:-

1. Further information on the Property, including the following:-
(a) existing use;
(b) built-up area of the warehouses and Tenaga Nasional Berhad stations;
(c) approximate age of warehouses; and
(d) net book value of the Property based on the latest audited financial
2. Rationale for the deposit amount to be 30% of the total Purchase
Consideration as this is not a normal practice in property transactions.
3. The relationship between the Caveator and the Vendor and the reason for the
Caveator to lodge the private caveat on the Property.
4. The production capacity and output for the existing timber operations
factory for the past 3 years in order to justify the need for additional
factory and warehouses.
5. The outlook and prospects of the timber industry.
6. The specific aspects that were considered by the Board of Directors in
arriving at its opinion that the Proposed Acquisition is fair and reasonable.
7. To also make available the valuation report for inspection.

Please furnish Bursa Securities with your reply within one (1) market day from
the date hereof.

Yours faithfully

Vice President, Issuers
Listing Division

c.c:- General Manager and Head, Market Surveillance, Securities Commission
(via fax)

(Unless otherwise defined in this announcement, all terms used herein shall have the same meaning as those defined in the announcement dated 20 June 2014)

Reference is made to the Company’s announcement made on 20 June 2014.

The Board of Directors of Harvest Court Industries Berhad (“HCIB” or “the Company) wishes to further announce that :-

1. The Property is currently tenanted to a timber pallet manufacturer. The built-up area of the warehouses and Tenaga National Berhad stations are approximately 152,000 sq ft and 1,400 sq ft respectively. The ages of the warehouses are approximately 10 years old. The information of the net book value of the Property based on the latest audited financial statements is not available as the Property was acquired from an individual.

2. The payment of the deposit amounted to 30% of the total Purchase Consideration is a condition requested by the Vendor in return for a discount from the initial offer price. The Company has been informed that the same condition was also made to other interested buyers.

3. The Company have no knowledge on the relationship between the Caveator and the Vendor and the reason for the Caveator to lodge the private caveat on the Property. However, as one of the condition precedent stated in the SPA, the Vendor shall at his own cost and expenses remove or caused to be removed the private caveat lodged by the Caveator and other encumbrances so that the Property is free from all encumbrances, lien, claim and caveat.

4. The production capacity and output for the existing operations factory for the past three (3) years are as follows :-






Total (Tonnage)




With year 2013 production volume, the factory has utilised approximately 70% of its production capacity and would need extra space to cater the further expansion on the production volume.

5. The Malaysian Timber industry had suffered badly from the economy crisis since 2008 & 2009, and its effects spill over until today. This industry is capital and labour intensive, which will continue to face various challenges on the shortage of labour supply, production cost escalation due to inflation and the weakening of export markets. As a result, HCIB has made the decision to move away from is capital and labour intensive door manufacturing business and refocus on value-added timber related services like klin dry, machining and export bundling services, which enable the HCIB Group to generate better profit margin for sustainability of group bottom lines. The Group’s timber service production tonnages in the last three years have shown increased productivities.

On the other hand, the strategic location of the existing plant in Klang is feasible to convert into industrial development with better return to unlock the value of land. The acquisition of leasehold property is capable for the future relocation and/or expansion of the existing timber service related business. 

6. Board of Directors, having considered all aspects of the Proposed Acquisition, including but not limited to the salient terms of the SPA, the valuation report prepared by Henry Butcher Malaysia (NS) Sdn Bhd, rationale for the Proposed Acquisition and the financial effects of the Proposed Acquisition, is of the opinion that the Proposed Acquisition is fair and reasonable and is in the best interest of HCIB.

7. The valuation report from Henry Butcher Malaysia (NS) Sdn Bhd is available for inspection at the registered office of the Company at Suite 10.03, Level 10, The Gardens South Tower, Mid Valley City, Lingkaran Syed Putra, 59200 Kuala Lumpur between 8.30 a.m. and 5.30 p.m. from Monday to Friday (except public holidays) for a period of three (3) month from 20 June 2014.

This announcement is dated 24 June 2014.



KKB - Changes in Director's Interest (S135) - Kho Poh Lin

Announcement Type: Changes in Director's Interest Pursuant to Section 135 of the Companies Act. 1965
Stock Name KKB  
Date Announced24 Jun 2014  
CategoryChanges in Director's Interest Pursuant to Section 135 of the Companies Act. 1965
Reference NoCC-140624-6C0D4

Information Compiled By KLSE

Particulars of Director

NameKho Poh Lin
AddressNo. 836, Chawan Road, Lorong 10A, Kenyalang Park
93300 Kuching, Sarawak.
Descriptions(Class & nominal value)Ordinary shares of RM0.50 each

Details of changes

Currency: Malaysian Ringgit (MYR)

Type of transaction
Date of change
No of securities
Price Transacted (RM)

Circumstances by reason of which change has occurredDeemed interested by virtue of her substantial interest in Kho Kak Beng Holding Company Sdn. Bhd.
Nature of interestIndirect Interest
Consideration (if any) 

Total no of securities after change

Direct (units)494,500 
Direct (%)0.19 
Indirect/deemed interest (units)103,493,720 
Indirect/deemed interest (%)40.15 
Date of notice24/06/2014

Remarks :
(i) 494,500 shares are registered in the name of Kho Poh Lin.
(ii) Deemed interested by virtue of 103,493,720 shares held by Kho Kak Beng Holding Company Sdn. Bhd. in which Kho Poh Lin has substantial interest.

KKB - Changes in Sub. S-hldr's Int. (29B) - Datin Liew Moi Fah

Announcement Type: Changes in Substantial Shareholder's Interest Pursuant to Form 29B of the Companies Act. 1965
Stock Name KKB  
Date Announced24 Jun 2014  
CategoryChanges in Substantial Shareholder's Interest Pursuant to Form 29B of the Companies Act. 1965
Reference NoCC-140624-6C0D3

Particulars of substantial Securities Holder

NameDatin Liew Moi Fah
AddressNo. 14, Jalan Three Hills Park, Off Jalan Pending
93300 Kuching, Sarawak.
NRIC/Passport No/Company No.440617-13-5474
Nationality/Country of incorporationMalaysian
Descriptions (Class & nominal value)Ordinary shares of RM0.50 each
Name & address of registered holderKho Kak Beng Holding Company Sdn. Bhd.
No. 22, 4th Floor, Jalan Tunku Abdul Rahman
93100 Kuching, Sarawak.

Details of changes

Currency: Malaysian Ringgit (MYR)

Type of transactionDate of change
No of securities
Price Transacted (RM)

Circumstances by reason of which change has occurredDeemed interested by virtue of her substantial interest in Kho Kak Beng Holding Company Sdn. Bhd.
Nature of interestIndirect Interest
Direct (units)296,000 
Direct (%)0.11 
Indirect/deemed interest (units)103,493,720 
Indirect/deemed interest (%)40.15 
Total no of securities after change103,789,720
Date of notice24/06/2014

Remarks :
(i) 296,000 shares are registered in the name of Datin Liew Moi Fah.
(ii) Deemed interested by virtue of 103,493,720 shares held by Kho Kak Beng Holding Company Sdn. Bhd. in which Datin Liew Moi Fah has substantial interest.

KKB - Changes in Sub. S-hldr's Int. (29B) - Kho Poh Lin

Announcement Type: Changes in Substantial Shareholder's Interest Pursuant to Form 29B of the Companies Act. 1965
Stock Name KKB  
Date Announced24 Jun 2014  
CategoryChanges in Substantial Shareholder's Interest Pursuant to Form 29B of the Companies Act. 1965
Reference NoCC-140624-6C0D1

Particulars of substantial Securities Holder

NameKho Poh Lin
AddressNo. 836, Chawan Road, Lorong 10A, Kenyalang Park
93300 Kuching, Sarawak.
NRIC/Passport No/Company No.660913-13-5772
Nationality/Country of incorporationMalaysian
Descriptions (Class & nominal value)Ordinary shares of RM0.50 each
Name & address of registered holderKho Kak Beng Holding Company Sdn. Bhd.
No. 22, 4th Floor, Jalan Tunku Abdul Rahman
93100 Kuching, Sarawak.

Details of changes

Currency: Malaysian Ringgit (MYR)

Type of transactionDate of change
No of securities
Price Transacted (RM)

Circumstances by reason of which change has occurredDeemed interested by virtue of her substantial interest in Kho Kak Beng Holding Company Sdn. Bhd.
Nature of interestIndirect Interest
Direct (units)494,500 
Direct (%)0.19 
Indirect/deemed interest (units)103,493,720 
Indirect/deemed interest (%)40.15 
Total no of securities after change103,988,220
Date of notice24/06/2014

Remarks :
(i) 494,500 shares are registered in the name of Kho Poh Lin.
(ii) Deemed interested by virtue of 103,493,720 shares held by Kho Kak Beng Holding Company Sdn. Bhd. in which Kho Poh Lin has substantial interest.

KKB - Changes in Director's Interest (S135) - Dato Kho Kak Beng

Announcement Type: Changes in Director's Interest Pursuant to Section 135 of the Companies Act. 1965
Stock Name KKB  
Date Announced24 Jun 2014  
CategoryChanges in Director's Interest Pursuant to Section 135 of the Companies Act. 1965
Reference NoCC-140624-6C0C9

Information Compiled By KLSE

Particulars of Director

NameDato Kho Kak Beng
AddressNo. 14, Jalan Three Hills Park, Off Jalan Pending
93300 Kuching, Sarawak
Descriptions(Class & nominal value)Ordinary shares of RM0.50 each

Details of changes

Currency: Malaysian Ringgit (MYR)

Type of transaction
Date of change
No of securities
Price Transacted (RM)

Circumstances by reason of which change has occurredDeemed interested by virtue of his substantial interest in Kho Kak Beng Holding Company Sdn. Bhd.
Nature of interestIndirect Interest
Consideration (if any) 

Total no of securities after change

Direct (units)4,742,480 
Direct (%)1.84 
Indirect/deemed interest (units)103,959,700 
Indirect/deemed interest (%)40.33 
Date of notice24/06/2014

Remarks :
(i) 4,742,480 shares are registered in the name of Dato Kho Kak Beng.
(ii) Deemed interested by virtue of:
(a) 103,493,720 shares held by Kho Kak Beng Holding Company Sdn. Bhd. in which Dato Kho Kak Beng has substantial interest.
(b) Shares held by his spouse, Datin Liew Moi Fah (296,000 shares) and his child, Kho Poh Joo (169,980 shares)

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