February 6, 2013

Company announcements: REDTONE, ALLIANZ, PAVREIT, DIALOG

REDTONE - Additional Listing Announcement

Announcement Type: Additional Listing Announcement (ALA)
Stock Name REDTONE  
Date Announced6 Feb 2013  
CategoryAdditional Listing Announcement (ALA)
Reference NoCK-130204-4958D

1. Details of Corporate Proposal

Whether the corporate proposal involves the issuance of new type
and new class of securities?
Types of corporate proposalOthers
Details of corporate proposalConversion of Irredeemable Convertible Unsecured Loan Stocks 2010/2020
No. of shares issued under this corporate proposal90,000
Issue price per share ($$)MYR 0.250
Par Value ($$)MYR 0.100
Latest issued and paid up share capital after the above corporate proposal in the following
CurrencyMYR 48,082,982.500
Listing Date07/02/2013

Remarks :
The 90,000 Ordinary Shares were allotted as a result of the conversion of 225,000 ICULS.

ALLIANZ - Additional Listing Announcement

Announcement Type: Additional Listing Announcement (ALA)
Stock Name ALLIANZ  
Date Announced6 Feb 2013  
CategoryAdditional Listing Announcement (ALA)
Reference NoAM-130204-9B9CA

1. Details of Corporate Proposal

Whether the corporate proposal involves the issuance of new type
and new class of securities?
Types of corporate proposalOthers
Details of corporate proposalConversion of irredeemable convertible preference shares of RM1.00 each in Allianz Malaysia Berhad into ordinary shares of RM1.00 each in Allianz Malaysia Berhad
No. of shares issued under this corporate proposal500
Issue price per share ($$)MYR 0.000
Par Value ($$)MYR 1.000
Latest issued and paid up share capital after the above corporate proposal in the following
CurrencyMYR 158,665,338.000
Listing Date07/02/2013

Remarks :
The Conversion Price is fixed at 1 new ordinary share of RM1.00 in Allianz Malaysia Berhad (“AMB Share”) and shall be satisfied by surrendering 1 irredeemable convertible preference share of RM1.00 in Allianz Malaysia Berhad ("ICPS") for each new AMB Share. No cash is payable by the holder of the ICPS upon conversion of the ICPS to AMB Share.

Kindly refer to the Abridged Prospectus dated 8 July 2010 for the principal terms of the ICPS.

PAVREIT - Additional Listing Announcement

Announcement Type: Additional Listing Announcement (ALA)
Stock Name PAVREIT  
Date Announced6 Feb 2013  
CategoryAdditional Listing Announcement (ALA)
Reference NoPR-130121-9B22D

1. Details of Corporate Proposal

Whether the corporate proposal involves the issuance of new type
and new class of securities?
Types of corporate proposalOthers
Details of corporate proposalThe issuance of 3,707,929 units is pursuant to the part payment of management fees in units to Pavilion REIT Management Sdn Bhd, the Manager of Pavilion Real Estate Investment Trust, for the 2nd half of financial year ended 31 December 2012. The total managment fee payable to the Manager for the 2nd half of financial year ended 31 December 2012 amounted to RM10,778,209.95, whereby approximately RM5,389,104.97 will be satisfied via the issuance of new units to the Manager. Based on the 5-day volume weighted average price of the units up to but excluding 18 January 2013 (being the date of announcement of Pavilion REIT's latest quarterly report) of RM1.4534 (adjusted for the RM0.0351 cash distribution by Pavilion REIT for which the entitlement date is on 6 February 2013), the number of units to be issued to the Manager is 3,707,929 units.
No. of shares issued under this corporate proposal3,707,929
Issue price per share ($$)MYR 1.453
Par Value ($$)MYR 0.000
Latest issued and paid up share capital after the above corporate proposal in the following
CurrencyMYR 0.000
Listing Date07/02/2013

DIALOG - Additional Listing Announcement

Announcement Type: Additional Listing Announcement (ALA)
Stock Name DIALOG  
Date Announced6 Feb 2013  
CategoryAdditional Listing Announcement (ALA)
Reference NoDG-130206-828F1

1. Details of Corporate Proposal

Whether the corporate proposal involves the issuance of new type
and new class of securities?
Types of corporate proposalESOS
Details of corporate proposalExercise of Employees' Share Option Scheme
No. of shares issued under this corporate proposal1,686,930
Issue price per share ($$)MYR 0.000
Par Value ($$)MYR 0.100
Latest issued and paid up share capital after the above corporate proposal in the following
CurrencyMYR 242,439,674.000
Listing Date07/02/2013

Remarks :
Issue price per share under the ESOS:
1,500 shares at RM0.93
856,261 shares at RM1.04
209,783 shares at RM0.81
123,546 shares at RM0.39
145,525 shares at RM0.64
194,521 shares at RM0.94
21,789 shares at RM1.37
132,916 shares at RM2.04
1,089 shares at RM1.78

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