December 28, 2010

Company announcements: 3A, GHLSYS, FBMKLCI-EA, MYETFDJ, CIMBA40, CIMBC25, CIMB

3A - General Announcement

Announcement Type: General Announcement
Stock Name: 3A
Date Announced: 28/12/2010

Announcement Detail:
Type: Announcement

Subject: Increase of Issued and Paid Up Share Capital of San Soon Seng Food Industries Sdn. Bhd. and
Three-A Food Industries (M) Sdn. Bhd. (formerly known as Three-A Plantation (Pahang) Sdn. Bhd., all wholly-owned
subsidiaries of Three-A Resources Berhad

Contents: The Board of Directors of Three-A Resources Berhad ("the Company") wishes to inform the Exchange that the following wholly-owned subsidiaries of the Company have increased their issued and paid up share capital, details of which are as follows:-

(i) San Soon Seng Food Industries Sdn. Bhd. has increased its issued and paid up share capital from RM3,200,000.00 to RM82,232,942.00 by way of allotment of 79,032,942 new ordinary shares of RM1.00 each fully paid up.

(ii) Three-A Food Industries (M) Sdn. Bhd. (formerly known as Three-A Plantation (Pahang) Sdn. Bhd. has increased its issued and paid up share capital from RM2.00 to RM4,290,002.00 by way of allotment of 4,290,000 new ordinary shares of RM1.00 each fully paid up.

This announcement is dated 28 day of December 2010.

GHLSYS - Change in Boardroom

Announcement Type: Change in Boardroom
Stock Name: GHLSYS
Date Announced: 28/12/2010

Announcement Detail:
Date of change: 28/12/2010

Type of change: Appointment

Designation: Non-Executive Director

Directorate: Independent & Non Executive

Name: Fong Seow Kee

Age: 53

Nationality: Malaysian

Qualifications: - BA (Hons) Economics & Social Studies from University of Manchester, England.
- Fellow member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England & Wales(ICAEW).
- Chartered Accountant of the Malaysian Institute of Accountants(MIA).

Working experience and occupation: He has over 30 years experience in the finance industry, primarily in investment banking and private equity. After completing his articleship with Ernst & Young, UK in 1983, he worked with several leading investment banks in Malaysia, Hong Kong and Singapore where he advised companies on a variety of corporate finance transactions including M&A, Fund Raising and Corporate Restructuring. In 1992, he joined a US venture capital firm in Singapore where he managed a pan-Asian venture capital fund investing in the US and across Asia. In 2000, he co-founded iSpring Capital Group, a Malaysia based investment management and advisory firm which currently manages a Government owned venture capital fund.
Since returning to Malaysia in 1996, Mr. Fong has been active in the development of the venture capital and private equity in Malaysia. During that time, he has been involved in the Malaysia Venture Capital & Private Equity Association in various capacities and was Chairman from 2008 to 2010. He has also been invited to sit on various government working committees to provide Industry Feedback on regulatory policies, including that pertaining to the Capital Market reforms announced in 2009.
In the past, he has acted as independent director of 2 MESDAQ (now ACE Market) listed companies (including as audit committee chairman) and CFO for a Main Board listed conglomerate.

Directorship of public companies (if any): NIL

Family relationship with any director and/or major shareholder of the listed issuer: NIL

Any conflict of interests that he/she has with the listed issuer: NIL

Details of any interest in the securities of the listed issuer or its subsidiaries: NIL

GHLSYS - Change in Boardroom

Announcement Type: Change in Boardroom
Stock Name: GHLSYS
Date Announced: 28/12/2010

Announcement Detail:
Date of change: 28/12/2010

Type of change: Appointment

Designation: Non-Executive Director

Directorate: Non Independent & Non Executive

Name: Loh Wee Hian

Age: 48

Nationality: Malaysian

Qualifications: GCE

Working experience and occupation: He is the Executive chairman of e-pay Asia Limited, a company listed on ASX (Australia Stock Exchange) and executive director of e-pay (M) Sdn Bhd. Mr. Loh has a strong background in the telecommunications industry where he formed Telemas Corporation Sdn. Bhd. in 1989, a mobile phone retailer and master distributor for Ericsson. He then co-founded e-pay (M) Sdn Bhd in 1999 and was the managing director responsible for strategic planning and financial performance of the company. Under his leadership, e-pay (M) Sdn Bhd became one of the leading electronic top-up processors in South East Asia region and the no 1 in Malaysia. He listed the company in 2006.
Mr. Loh is one of the founder members of Young Entrepreneurs Organization Malaysia Chapter, a global, non-profit educational organisation for business owners.
Mr. Loh has been selected as the winner for Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of The Year Malaysia 2006 Award under the Technology Category in December 2006.

Directorship of public companies (if any): NIL

Family relationship with any director and/or major shareholder of the listed issuer: NIL

Any conflict of interests that he/she has with the listed issuer: NIL

Details of any interest in the securities of the listed issuer or its subsidiaries: 22,506,034 ordinary shares of RM0.50 each

GHLSYS - General Announcement

Announcement Type: General Announcement
Stock Name: GHLSYS
Date Announced: 28/12/2010

Announcement Detail:
Type: Announcement

Subject: GHL SYSTEMS BERHAD ("GHL" or "the Company")
i) Special Notice Pursuant to Section 153 & 128 (2) of the Companies Act, 1965 ("the Act")
ii) Requisition of Extraordinary General Meeting ("EGM") of GHL Pursuant to Section 144 of the Companies Act, 1965

Contents: Reference is made to the Company's announcements dated 3 December 2010 and 24 December 2010, respectively.

The Board of Directors of GHL wishes to announce that the Company had on 28 December 2010, received the Notice of Withdrawal duly signed by Loh Wee Hian, Ong Hock Lon and Cimsec Nominees (Tempatan) Sdn Bhd (CIMB Bank Berhad for Loh Wee Hian (Private Banking)), being members of the Company?respectively ("the Requisitionists") informing the Company that they wish to withdraw their Notice of Requisition of Extraordinary General Meeting ("EGM") dated 3 December 2010.

In view of the said withdrawal by the Requisitionists, the Company is of the opinion that the cancellation of the EGM would not adversely affect the rights of the Requisitionists or any other shareholders of the Company and the Company believes that it is in the best interest of all parties that the EGM be cancelled. In relation thereto, the Company wishes to inform that the EGM of the Company which is scheduled to be held on 28 January 2011 be and is hereby cancelled.

This announcement is dated 28 December 2010.

FBMKLCI-EA - FBM KLCI etf - Valuation Point as at 28 December 2010

Announcement Type: General Announcement
Stock Name: FBMKLCI-EA
Date Announced: 28/12/2010

Announcement Detail:
Type: Announcement

Subject: FBM KLCI etf - Valuation Point as at 28 December 2010

Contents: Fund: FBM KLCI etf
NAV per unit (RM): 1.5343
Units in circulation (units): 2,508,000
Manager's Fee (% p.a): 0.50
Trustee Fee (% p.a): 0.06
License Fee (% p.a): 0.04
FTSE Bursa Malaysia KLCI Index: 1,517.44

Attachments: FBM KLCI etf 20101228.xls

FBMKLCI-EA - FBM KLCI etf - Changes of In-Kind Creation/Redemption Basket

Announcement Type: General Announcement
Stock Name: FBMKLCI-EA
Date Announced: 28/12/2010

Announcement Detail:
Type: Announcement

Subject: FBM KLCI etf - Changes of In-Kind Creation/Redemption Basket

Contents: For details of the In-Kind Creation/Redemption, please refer to the statement below:

Please be informed that there are changes in the in-kind creation/redemption basket components which take effect from today onwards. Kindly refer to the file attached for details of the changes

Attachments: New Basket 2010-12-28.xls


Announcement Type: General Announcement
Stock Name: MYETFDJ
Date Announced: 28/12/2010

Announcement Detail:
Type: Announcement

Subject: MYETF DOW JONES ISLAMIC MARKET MALAYSIA TITANS 25 - Valuation Point as at 28-12-2010

Contents: Fund: MYETFDJ
NAV per unit (RM): 0.9555
Units in Circulation (units): 657,500,000
Manager's Fee (%p.a):0.40
Trustee's Fee (%p.a):0.05
License Fee (%p.a):0.04
DJIM25 Index: 850.04

Attachments: Daily Fund Values 281210.pdf

CIMBA40 - CIMB FTSE ASEAN 40 Malaysia - Valuation Point as at 28-Dec-10

Announcement Type: General Announcement
Stock Name: CIMBA40
Date Announced: 28/12/2010

Announcement Detail:
Type: Announcement

Subject: CIMB FTSE ASEAN 40 Malaysia - Valuation Point as at 28-Dec-10

Contents: Fund: CIMB FTSE ASEAN 40 Malaysia
NAV per unit (RM): 1.5371
Units in circulation (units): 8,100,000.00
Management Fee (% p.a.): 0.00
Trustee Fee (% p.a.): 0.08
Index Licence Fee (% p.a.): 0.00
FTSE/ASEAN 40 Index: 10,190.54

Attachments: ASEAN 40- 28122010.pdf

CIMBC25 - CIMB FTSE China 25 - Valuation Point as at 28-Dec-10

Announcement Type: General Announcement
Company Name: CIMB FTSE CHINA 25
Stock Name: CIMBC25
Date Announced: 28/12/2010

Announcement Detail:
Type: Announcement

Subject: CIMB FTSE China 25 - Valuation Point as at 28-Dec-10

Contents: Fund: CIMB FTSE China 25
NAV per unit (RM): 1.0102
Units in circulation (units): 19,500,000.00
Management Fee (% p.a.): 0.60
Trustee Fee (% p.a.): 0.08
Index Licence Fee (% p.a.): 0.04
FTSE/Xinhua China 25 Index: 18,570.79

Attachments: FTSE 25- 28122010.pdf

CIMB - General Announcement

Announcement Type: General Announcement
Stock Name: CIMB
Date Announced: 28/12/2010

Announcement Detail:
Type: Announcement

- Proposed Restructuring of the Non-Performing Asset Division of CIMB Thai Bank Public Company Limited ("CIMB Thai"), a 93.15% owned subsidiary of CIMB Bank Berhad (99.99% owned subsidiary of CIMB Group Sdn Bhd ("CIMBG")) ("Restructuring")

Contents: We are pleased to announce that the Restructuring was completed on 28 December 2010.

The Restructuring of Good Bank-Bad Bank of CIMB Thai entailed the following transactions:

(i) Transfer of CIMB Thai's 2,499,993 ordinary shares held in Sathorn Asset Management Company Limited ("STAMC"), representing 99.99% of the registered capital of STAMC, for a total cash consideration of THB229,149,954.00 (approximately RM23,465,184.44 based on exchange rate of RM10.2401:THB100 as at 28 December 2010), equivalent to 1x net book value of STAMC as at 31 December 2009, to Mutiara Makmur Ventures Sdn Bhd ("Mutiara Makmur"), a wholly-owned subsidiary of CIMB Private Equity Sdn Bhd (wholly-owned subsidiary of CIMBG) ("Transfer of STAMC"); and

(ii) Transfer of a non-performing loan ("NPL") portfolio encompassing corporate, SME and retail secured NPLs with a net book value of THB2,908,734,149.84 as at 31 December 2009 ("NPL Portfolio") from CIMB Thai to STAMC for a total cash consideration of THB2,908,734,149.84 (approximately RM297,857,285.68 based on exchange rate of RM10.2401:THB100 as at 28 December 2010) ("Transfer of NPLs").

(collectively, the "Transactions")

The Company's corporate structure before and after the Transactions are illustrated in Appendix I.

The Restructuring shall:

(i) Align CIMB Thai with the Company's regional Good Bank-Bad Bank aspirations, whereby the creation of a regional "Bad Bank" shall allow a clear distinction between the results of the Company's business transformation and its NPL recovery efforts;

(ii) Enable non-performing asset divisions of the Company to leverage on a dedicated regional specialist in managing distressed assets;

(iii) Improve overall asset quality and capital position of CIMB Thai to allow CIMB Thai to start on a clean slate for growth; and

(iv) Enable CIMB Thai to focus on its core business.

The Transactions will not have any effect on the share capital of CIMB and substantial shareholders' shareholding in the Company, and will not have any material effect on the consolidated earnings and net assets per share of the Company for the financial year ending 31 December 2010.

Two of the Company's Directors, Dato' Robert Cheim Dau Meng and Mrs Watanan Petersik, are also Directors of CIMB Thai. However, they have no interest in the Transactions other than the aforementioned common directorship.

Save for the above, none of the other Directors and/or major shareholders of the Company or any persons connected to them have any interest, direct or indirect, in the Transactions.

This announcement is dated 28 December 2010.

c.c. Securities Commission

Attachments: Appendix I.pdf

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