September 17, 2010

Company announcements: VS, SYF, TRACOMA, VINTAGE, NATWIDE

VS - Notice of Shares Buy Back - Immediate Announcement

Announcement Type: Notice of Shares Buy Back - Immediate Announcement
Stock Name: VS
Date Announced: 17/09/2010

Announcement Detail:
Date of buy back: 17/09/2010

Description of shares purchased: Ordinary share of RM1.00 each

Currency: Malaysian Ringgit (MYR)

Total number of shares purchased (units): 25,000

Minimum price paid for each share purchased ($$): 1.330

Maximum price paid for each share purchased ($$): 1.350

Total consideration paid ($$): 33,694.75

Number of shares purchased retained in treasury (units): 25,000

Number of shares purchased which are proposed to be cancelled (units): 0

Cumulative net outstanding treasury shares as at to-date (units): 639,436

Adjusted issued capital after cancellation (no. of shares) (units): 0

Total number of shares purchased and/or held as treasury shares against the total number of outstanding shares of the listed issuer (%): 0.36

SYF - General Announcement

Announcement Type: General Announcement
Stock Name: SYF
Date Announced: 17/09/2010

Announcement Detail:
Type: Announcement

Subject: SYF Resources Berhad ("SRB")
- Update on the Default in Payment pursuant to Practice Note 1 ("PN1") of the Main Market Listing Requirements of Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad

Contents: We refer to the announcements dated 27 May 2010, 4 June 2010, 24 June 2010, 26 July 2010 and 26 August 2010.

The Board of Directors of SRB wishes to announce that the bondholders of Capone Berhad ("Capone") and Idaman Capital Berhad ("Idaman") had both approved SRB's proposed restructuring scheme. With regard to the commercial banks involved in the scheme, their approval of the scheme is still pending as not all of the said banks have reverted with a decision.

Meanwhile, SYF will proceed to finalise the appointment of an investment bank as adviser and will release details of the scheme in due course.

This announcement is dated 17 September 2010.

TRACOMA - General Announcement

Announcement Type: General Announcement
Stock Name: TRACOMA
Date Announced: 17/09/2010

Announcement Detail:
Type: Announcement

Subject: TRACOMA HOLDINGS BERHAD ("Tracoma" or "the Company")

Contents: The Board of Tracoma wishes to announce that the Company has been informed by its solicitors today that the High Court of Malaya, Shah Alam ("High Court") has on 9 September 2010 granted the Restraining Order ("RO") for a period of three (3) months effective from 9 September 2010 pursuant to Section 176 of the Companies Act, 1965 ("Act") covering Tracoma and its subsidiaries ("Tracoma Group").

As announced on 17 August 2010, the Company was served with a notice pursuant to Section 218 of the Companies Act by a creditor. Also, as announced on 1 July 2010, the Company had appointed a financial adviser who is currently working on a debt restructuring scheme with a view to reach an agreement with Tracoma Group creditors to restructure its debts. In this respect, the Board of Tracoma is of the view that a restraining order is necessary to prevent any proceedings against the Tracoma Group which may jeopardise its debt restructuring scheme, pending the finalisation of the scheme.

The RO is not expected to have any material impact on the financial and operational matters of the Tracoma Group in view that the RO is to facilitate the finalisation of the Tracoma Group's debt restructuring scheme. The full details of the debt restructuring scheme will be announced in due course.

This announcement is dated 17 September 2010.

VINTAGE - General Announcement

Announcement Type: General Announcement
Stock Name: VINTAGE
Date Announced: 17/09/2010

Announcement Detail:
Type: Reply to query

Reply to Bursa Malaysia's Query Letter - Reference ID: MN-100915-56947

Subject: VTI VINTAGE BERHAD ("VVB" or "the Company")
Kuala Lumpur High Court Civil Suit No : D-22-NCC-75-2009
Affin Bank Berhad (Plaintiff) vs Vintage Roofing & Construction Sdn Bhd, VTI Vintage Berhad and Ong Thuan Ming (collectively "Defendants")

Contents: Reference is made to the Company's announcement dated 14 September 2010.

The Board of Directors of VVB wishes to further inform that :-

(1)Details of the default or circumstances leading to the filing of the suit against VVB and Vintage Roofing & Construction Sdn Bhd ("VRC")

VRC had on 25 May 2006 obtained the overdraft facility of RM3,000,000 from Affin Bank Berhad ("Affin") as general working capital. On 21 August 2009, VVB wrote to Affin in relation to the proposed restructuring of the said overdraft facility for their consideration. On 10 September 2009, Affin replied to VVB that the said proposed settlement arrangement is under Affin's consideration. The Group had on 22 July 2009 initiated the Proposed Scheme of Arrangement under Section 176 of the Companies Act, 1965 ("Proposed Scheme") and has included Affin as one of the Scheme Creditors under Proposed Scheme which had been approved during the Court Convened Meeting ("CCM") of the Group held on 16 July 2010. Pending the completion of the Proposed Scheme, no payment was made to the Scheme Creditors including Affin.

On 14 September 2010, VVB and VRC received the letter from the solicitors of Affin in relation to the Judgment sum of RM3,000,000.00 as at 31 March 2009 together with interest at the rate of 1.75%. The Company has no earlier knowledge on the said Judgment until the Company received the letter on 14 September 2010 and this is the only document received by the Group on the said matter.

(2)A confirmation as to whether VRC is a major subsidiary

VRC is a major subsidiary of VVB.

(3)The cost of investment in VRC

The total cost of investment in VRC is RM1,000,000.00.

(4)The financial and operational impact of the suit on the Group

Subject to the completion of the Proposed Scheme, the suit has no financial and operational impact to the Group.

This announcement is dated 17 September 2010.

Query Letter content: We refer to your Company's announcement dated 14 September 2010 in respect of
the aforesaid matter.

In this connection, kindly furnish Bursa Securities with the following
additional information for public release:-

1. Details of default or circumstances leading to the filing of the suit
against the Company and Vintage Roofing & Construction Sdn Bhd ("VRC").
2. A confirmation as to whether VRC is a major subsidiary.
3. Total cost of investment in VRC.
4. The financial and operational impact of the suit on the group.

Please furnish Bursa Securities with your reply within one (1) market day from
the date hereof.

Yours faithfully

Senior Manager, Issuers
Listing Division

copy to:- General Manager & Head, Market Surveillance Department, Securities
Commission (via fax)

NATWIDE - Amendment to the Notice of Twenty Fourth Annual General Meeting (24th AGM) (Amended Announcement)

Announcement Type: General Announcement
Stock Name: NATWIDE
Date Announced: 17/09/2010

Announcement Detail:
Type: Announcement

Subject: Amendment to the Notice of Twenty Fourth Annual General Meeting (24th AGM)

Contents: Please refer to the details of the amendment to the Notice of Twenty Fourth Annual General Meeting(24th AGM)as below.

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